I saw your work when it first dropped on STEAM Forum/Guides. Everyone is saying how much they learned from your work. I agree with the majority, your work is awesome and deserves this and this and this .
English: Please consider adding a clickable button for starting the current wave. In the beginning, we build our characters through research and the game speed (day/night cycle - Zombie Wave) is good. But, later on, the game speed is too slow. After Wave#4 I am stuck waiting for hours to pass in rea...
Rubber is a common drop item from salvaged vehicles. This is why you might see a lot of salvaged cars at the spawn point of the game...so, move to another road and strip down the cars/trucks.
You should move the question to another part of the forum. In the past, I talked about having control over the horde wave cycle (not so much as day or night, but the same idea). Many players want to control the cycle of the horde wave early on, before machinery, and later on, after machinery. With m...
Is there a way to destroy what you build yourself? I have the hammer and I think I have raised his skills to the maximum, still I do not see a way that he will allow me to demolish my buildings. I will be grateful to receive your answer. Si. Coloque su martillo hecho a mano en una ranura rápida. Lue...
'AS you dont seem to be able to modify building how do you manage to build on them as z'd just run up stairs even inside buildings and you cant build on most of them' Buildings in the game may have added crafted items like walls, floors, poles, etc... There is one item that will also allow you to co...
We cannot pick up crafted items. We can press the 'ALT' key to fine-tune the placement of ladders, walls, crafting stations, etc... So, if you placed a staircase and now you cannot place a wall, then all you need to do is press ALT while the wall is lit. Then, just move your mouse and use Q or E to ...